“Beyond Color-Blind and Color-Conscious: Approaches to Racial Socialization among Parents of Transracially Adopted Children.” Family Relations 68(2): 260-274. (co-authored with Caitlin Killian, 2019) * “‘We Didn’t Even Think about Domestic Adoption’: Race and Other Factors Shaping Parents’ Decisions to Adopt Abroad.” Sociological Perspectives 58(4): 570-594. (co-authored with Caitlin Killian, 2015) * “Discovering Race in a ‘Post-Racial’ World: Teaching Race through Primetime Television.” Teaching Sociology 43(1): 39-45. (co-authored with Cherise A. Harris, 2015) * “Multiracial Americans: Racial Identity Choices and Implications for the Collection of Race Data.” Sociology Compass 6(4): 316-331. (2012) * “Ethnicity and Race as ‘Symbolic’: The Use of Ethnic and Racial Symbols in Asserting a Biracial Identity.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 34(6): 1049-1067. (2011) * “Passing as Black: Racial Identity Work Among Biracial Americans.” Social Psychology Quarterly 73(4): 380-397. (co-authored with Cathryn Johnson, 2010) Excerpts reprinted in Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Social Class: Dimensions of Inequality and Constructions of Deviance: Social Power, Context, and Interaction. * “‘If You’re Half Black, You’re Just Black’: Reflected Appraisals and the Persistence of the One Drop Rule.” The Sociological Quarterly 51(1): 96-121. (2010) * “Teaching Race as a Social Construction: Two Interactive Class Exercises.” Teaching Sociology 37(4): 369-78. (co-authored with Cherise A. Harris, 2009) * “The Role of Reflected Appraisals in Racial Identity: The Case of Multiracial Asians.” Social Psychology Quarterly 67: 2: 115-131. (2004) |
Book Chapters“‘Doesn’t Anti-Blackness Only Happen in the US?’: Confronting the Reality of Global Anti-Blackness” in Getting Real about Race: Hoodies, Mascots, Model Minorities, and Other Conversations, edited by Stephanie M. McClure and Cherise A. Harris. Sage. (Forthcoming) * “Cultural Supports for Systemic Racism in the US” in Sociology in Action: Race and Ethnicity, edited by Kathleen Korgen. Sage. (2021) * “The Connections among Racial Identity, Class, and Culture?” Chapter 4 in in Race Policy and Multiracial Americans, edited by Kathleen Korgen. Policy Press. (2016) * “‘But What about the Children?’ Understanding Contemporary Attitudes towards Interracial Dating and Marriage.” Pp. 125-139 in Getting Real about Race: Hoodies, Mascots, Model Minorities, and Other Conversations, edited by Stephanie M. McClure and Cherise A. Harris. Sage Publications. (2014) * “Country Clubs and Hip-Hop Thugs: Examining the Role of Social Class and Culture in Shaping Racial Identity.” Pp. 53-71 in Multiracial Americans and Social Class: The Influence of Social Class on Racial Identity, edited by Kathleen Korgen. Routledge. (2010) |